Friday, July 6, 2012


Oh, hai!

I was dist wonnerin' if even though I didn't take a afternoon nappy an I was a little stinker and pee peed on the changing table again (LOL) if you could take me somewhere?

How's about you take me to da pool?

Please? See I have this cute swimmin' suit with ruffles that is too pretty to not to show off.....

You will?! mean you're coming too? Is that what you're wearing?


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Vivi Lou: 6 Mos

Birth: 7 lbs 9 oz
Now: in the 13 lb range
You have rolls now. Delicious fleshy rolls in your thighs and a little roll where your wrist is. You're still a tiny thing, but you're getting bigger and definitely looking more like a chubby baby. I am in love with your rolls. I could write poetry about your cheeks and sonnets about your thighs. I love to kiss them and listen to you shriek. You have a belly that helps to hold you up when you sit, which you love to do. Sometimes I strip you naked and just marvel at you.

{Favorite things}
Eating Rice Cereal and trying new foods in your mesh chewies. You were recently thrilled to suck on an ice cube, but eshewed the idea of gumming a raspberry or banana....whatever, kid. Sitting up. Standing. You are anxious to start moving. I think it frustrates you that the strength just isn't there yet. When I pick you up to comfort you I tell you to slow down, you needn't be in such a hurry, and ask that you be my baby a bit longer. You don't heed my advice (better get used to that!)

{Special talents}
Your newest thing is growling, you are a growler. You've mastered raspberries and will often spend stretches of time making inappropriate raspberry noises. You have started to say 'mama' though I don't think you associate the word with me just yet. It's ok, it melts my heart anyways.

{Favorite Pastime}
Bath time in the sink, sitting up, splashing the water around. This talent I know you got from me. You still love your naked time, but sitting up has brought on a whole new dimension to bath time.

You are such a pretty girl
Even though you've started sprouting teeth, you're still happy to sleep through the night in your crib, in your own room. Though now you prefer to belly sleep which really worries mama as you've not yet mastered rolling from tummy to back yet.

Only when overtired or overstimulated. You aren't too fussy of a baby, which is good, but when you do decide to be fussy you can be somewhat difficult.

Raspberries (of the fruit variety), Socks and, much to mama's chagrin, headbands :(

Putting your mouth on cups, beer bottles and wine glasses. I think you like to feel your teeth clink on the glass, silly girl. Ice cream cones. Your new walker. You recently rediscovered your mobile and you really love to sit underneath and watch your bug friends fly by your head. Naked time, Sink-bath time. All of your Aunties and uncles and great-grandparents, Nana and Papa, LouLou and TomTom, Mama and of course, Dada.

You and your co-pilot, Hazel

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ellie teaches Vivi to read...

Ok, not really, but teaching her book etiquette at least.

*This post comes to you from a series of text messages from Auntie Lil*

Hey! That's not how you read books!

Oh, you're right! I sees they gets all soggy...

Here, take my hand, I'll help you through this

Thanks Cuz, you're the best!

Five Months

11 pounds 10 ounces
You're such a tiny squirt! We cleaned out the newborn to 3-month clothes out of your closet to pass along to your soon-to-be-arriving cousin and Mama had to laugh at the fact that most of the clothes you not only still fit in length-wise, but you never quite filled out width-wise. I foresee a lifetime of pants too big around the waist and too short in length. You better put those good genes to use, missy!

{Favorite things}
Holding your own bottle, having your picture taken, eating "real" food, rolling over. Still, of course, Mama and Dada. But mostly Mama :)

{Special talents}
Shrieking! Blowing bubbles and raspberries, and this new groaning thing you do when you're trying to keep yourself awake. It reminds me of the scene in When Harry Met Sally where Harry tells Sally he's going to practice groaning.

{Favorite Pastime}
Being naked. Being Naked. BEING NAKED!!! Wahoo! Pants off, Dance off! As soon as the clothes and the dipe come off, you smile reeeeeeeaaaaaallll big. Where did you get this love of nakeyness? Certainly not from me, I blame your father :)

Still awesome. We started sleep training and everyone told me that the first night was the worst and to plan on hearing your cries for at least an hour. I REALLY didn't want to do cry it out, but the other methods I read about were far more time consuming and prolonging and in situations like these, it's usually best to just rip the bandaid off and move on. The bedtime routine is eat, pjs and dipe change, two books read by mommy, 2-4 songs sung by daddy and then bed. The first night of sleep training you cried for exactly 35 minutes before passing out. The second night, 20. Every night so far, 15 tops. And you're still sleeping through the night.

This is my favorite song that Daddy sings to you:

When you get overheated, overtired or super hungry, you're a mess. Your "witching hour" comes and goes with growth spurts, which is taxing oneveryone involved (poor daddy!). Also, you keep us on our toes by perfecting a fake-out cry. Which you whip out of your back pocket when you feel neglected, lacking adequate attention, or if Mama isn't looking at or holding you.

Socks, being too hot, being too tired, clothes.

Naked time, bath time, Rice Cereal, being out and about, laying by yourself on the floor, blowing spit bubbles and the sound of your Daddy's singing voice, which melts you like buttah.

We are so lucky and blessed to have you. You are beautiful and happy and healthy and loved. You are the luckiest girl in the world.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Months 3/4

9 pounds 10 ounces - at 3 months
10 pounds 12 ounces - at 4 months

{Favorite things}
Sitting up, standing, Iris the butterfly, warm baths, being naked, Otis Redding and of course, Mama and daddy.

{Special talents}
Shrieking and squealing, blowing raspberries, coughing for fun

{Favorite Pastime}
Being naked and laying on a blanket on the floor getting your wiggles out, riding face out in the front-pack.

Still awesome. Auntie Elizabeth can usually get you down for a nap in the afternoon and at night you sleep from about 8:30 p.m. to 8-9ish in the morning. Sometimes daddy has to wake you up to get to Auntie Elizabeth's house!

Only when you're uncomfortable or hungry. You don't have a "witching hour" anymore, but if you get too hungry, too tired or too overstimulated then you're a nightmare to try to comfort. Luckily that doesn't happen too often!

Socks, being too hot, sitting in your carseat for too long, mama ignoring you for any amount of time when you haven't seen her all day. If I look away for just a few seconds you pout and cry, when I look back at you you shriek and smile.

Naked time, bath time, laying by yourself on the floor, blowing spit bubbles and the soundtrack to 'Singjn' in the Rain' which your daddy sings to you to calm you down.

Monday, April 23, 2012

A boycott on pacis

While it hasn't happened yet, I am waiting for the day when the bird resists her pacifier and instead prefers to soothe with her new found soothie. Behold, the THUMB!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Of Seuss and sleep

Today we went to a Dr. Seuss storytime at our local Target, you listened better than some of the older kids there! 

Tonight was your first night in your crib in your own room. You even put yourself to sleep. We are so proud of you!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Busy day, happy baby

This is what you get after a day of Mommy and Me, a visit to Mama's work, lunch with Auntie Lil and cousin Ellie, and dinner at the Kalstein house.

One very happy and pooped bebe.

Fussy day

We were fussy yesterday. What Miss Vivi was servin' up for the day, no one wanted. Not a sick daddy and not a fed up Mama.

A bunch of gas and no naps makes Vivi a grumpy girl.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day with Nana

We spent the day having lunch and shopping with our Nana!

Now we need some Poppa time!

A peek over the bassinet

What mama peeped this morning. A 6 a.m smile.

The Magic Chair

This chair is magic for tummy aches as a result of no "business" for several days. After 15 minutes in the chair, mama usually has a cleanup job on her hands.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Kim's Country Kitchen in Lincoln

Snoozing through a post-church brunch.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Vivi: Month Two

Birth: 20 1/4 inches
Now: 23 inches (You're awfully wiggly)
Birth: 7 pounds 9 ounces
Now: 8 pounds 9 ounces (at 6 weeks)
{Favorite things}
 Mama, Daddy, your swing, being outside, lights
{Special Talents}
Sleeping with one eye open, sleeping anywhere through anything including Jurrasic Park and, much to Mama's dismay, feedings
{Favorite Pastime}
Going to see Daddy at work after pediatrician appointments or on the way home from running errands. Watching the mobile in your crib
Pretty Awesome. You've been sleeping through the night since week 3 and take at least one good 2 hour nap a day (usually when we run errands or go for a walk)
Your witching hour is from 6 to 9 p.m. It's not constant but you're very hard to please for those three hours.
Being cold and wet after your bath. Not pooping for 13 days and you really hate when Mama pulls you off the boob for falling asleep. Sorry kid, no sleepin' on the job!
Eating, Sleeping, Bathtime, and your boyfriends, Montgomery the giraffe and Charlie the lion on your swing.
Those bastards get the best smiles...

Friday, February 17, 2012

She is born

You were supposed to come on Christmas.
Daddy really wanted you to come on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning, his thinking has always been 'go big or go home,' but I'm happy you didn't.
Granted, I wish you could have come on your own, I'm glad you don't have to share your birthday with such a major holiday.
Daddy and I went to the hospital at 4:45 on Dec. 26, 2011 for a scheduled induction at 5:00 a.m.
Instead of rushing around excitedly getting things together because of my water breaking or contractions intensifying, we woke up to alarm clocks, showered peacefully and took a few last pregnancy photos.
I applied makeup and blow dried my hair, after all, it's not everyday you meet your daughter for the first time!
Little did I know, it would be a long 48 hours before I would meet you.
It was very early in the morning when you were born, the hospital room was very dark with only one light on over the doctor.
Like a spotlight.
Your spotlight.
You were very much anticipated, even from your surprise beginning. So it's no wonder you got the grand entrance you deserved.
In an instant all of the anxiety, and pain and stress of getting you here melted away the moment you were placed on my chest.
You were very quiet and alert and the first thing I saw was your big, blue eyes looking up at me.
"Hello, baby" was all I could manage to say.
You just stared back and chirped a little. You never cried like I thought you would, you just looked at me and chirped like a little bird.
The name stuck.
You are our little bird.