You're such a tiny squirt! We cleaned out the newborn to 3-month clothes out of your closet to pass along to your soon-to-be-arriving cousin and Mama had to laugh at the fact that most of the clothes you not only still fit in length-wise, but you never quite filled out width-wise. I foresee a lifetime of pants too big around the waist and too short in length. You better put those good genes to use, missy!
{Favorite things}
Holding your own bottle, having your picture taken, eating "real" food, rolling over. Still, of course, Mama and Dada. But mostly Mama :)
{Special talents}
Shrieking! Blowing bubbles and raspberries, and this new groaning thing you do when you're trying to keep yourself awake. It reminds me of the scene in When Harry Met Sally where Harry tells Sally he's going to practice groaning.
{Favorite Pastime}
Being naked. Being Naked. BEING NAKED!!! Wahoo! Pants off, Dance off! As soon as the clothes and the dipe come off, you smile reeeeeeeaaaaaallll big. Where did you get this love of nakeyness? Certainly not from me, I blame your father :)
Still awesome. We started sleep training and everyone told me that the first night was the worst and to plan on hearing your cries for at least an hour. I REALLY didn't want to do cry it out, but the other methods I read about were far more time consuming and prolonging and in situations like these, it's usually best to just rip the bandaid off and move on. The bedtime routine is eat, pjs and dipe change, two books read by mommy, 2-4 songs sung by daddy and then bed. The first night of sleep training you cried for exactly 35 minutes before passing out. The second night, 20. Every night so far, 15 tops. And you're still sleeping through the night.
This is my favorite song that Daddy sings to you:
When you get overheated, overtired or super hungry, you're a mess. Your "witching hour" comes and goes with growth spurts, which is taxing oneveryone involved (poor daddy!). Also, you keep us on our toes by perfecting a fake-out cry. Which you whip out of your back pocket when you feel neglected, lacking adequate attention, or if Mama isn't looking at or holding you.
Socks, being too hot, being too tired, clothes.
Naked time, bath time, Rice Cereal, being out and about, laying by yourself on the floor, blowing spit bubbles and the sound of your Daddy's singing voice, which melts you like buttah.
We are so lucky and blessed to have you. You are beautiful and happy and healthy and loved. You are the luckiest girl in the world.